"A Neighborhood of Class with a Historical Past"
Sign-up for your membership in the West Arlington Improvement Association of Baltimore City! Membership is open to all residents in West Arlington and the annual membership dues are $20. All members in good standing (i.e., who have paid their dues in full for the current year (Jan 1 to Dec 31) are entitled to vote at the meetings.
West Arlington is an all-volunteer organization. In addition to funding community events and opportunities, West Arlington will work with officials at the city, state, and federal levels on various issues that affect the neighborhood.
Membership dues support the general operation of the organization such as newsletter printing & delivery, organizational fees, website fees, and community gatherings.
Membership Requirements
Reside within the boundaries of West Arlington
Homeowner, Renter or Property Owner
Member Benefits
Become a board member
Run for office
Work towards the betterment and well-being of our community
Member Fees
Household - $20 yearly fee.
Businesses & organizations - $50 yearly fee.
To become a member:
Pay the yearly membership fee of $20 or $50 via check.
Make checks payable to:
West Arlington Improvement Association
PO Box 67976
Baltimore, MD 21215-9998
Pay the yearly membership fee of $20 or $50 online.
WA Boundary Map